Tenant/Owner Responsibilities
The Management of Margate is appointed by the Unit Owners, through their elected Directors.
The Management therefore acts in the best interest of the owners and where the units are rented, it is obviously in the best interest of the unit owners to keep tenants satisfied and happy in their living environment.
It is therefore important that tenants understand the responsibilities of the Association Management and the owners (either directly or through their appointed Property Managers).
The Margate Gardens Property Manager, is situated on site Monday to Friday, and will assist all residents in solving any problems that may arise. We have developed a list of artisans: carpenters, plumbers, electricians and prospective maids and will be pleased to share this information with you.
For interior problems, tenants should contact the unit owners or their appointed agents, while for exterior problems as outlined under “Responsibilities of Margate Management” they should contact the Property Manager at 622-1836.
Responsibilities of Owners or their appointed agents
- All matters pertaining to the interior of the living units, air-conditioners, appliances e.g. fridge, stove, washing machines, televisions, etc.
- Plumbing not pertaining to common piping e.g. leaking faucets, toilets, connections to sinks blocked waste pipes, sinks, dishwashers and showers.
- Electrical problems not related to the power points e.g. interior bulbs, electrical problems with appliances.
Responsibilities of Margate Management
- To upkeep all common areas such as gardens and grounds, car parks and pool.
- Electrical problems resulting from wiring faults in the building structure, including exterior lighting.
- Plumbing up to the point where the water pipes enter the individual units. This would exclude connections to appliances, sinks and toilets.
- Exterior condition and appearance of the buildings.
- Sewage, drainage of grounds.
- Leaks – Roof, Doors and Windows
- MCTV and Direct TV aerials and exterior receiving equipment